Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flower Clips

I finally got around to making these two flower hair clips.  I've had the flowers for a few months and finally figured out that I can use buttons for the decorative center.  I had been searching for cute centers to no avail in the jewelery making section, and then if dawned on me to use buttons. Duh!  Basically, I cut the flower off the stem, took it all apart and then glued it back together with my glue gun using a circle of felt and a clip as the back base.  I made these two flowers to go with a few specific shirts, one peach shirt and about four yellow shirts that I own.  One day at Hobby Lobby I happened to pass the peach flower and knew I had to make it into a flower clip.  Each stem has two usable flowers, so I can make two more in the future.  I have a handful of other flowers (black, cream, berry, purple, pink, turquoise) that my cousin made that get regular use.

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