For Rodeo Day at preschool, K* informed me that she needed cowgirl clothes. So I thought about it and remembered that I had a costume pattern,
Simplicity 3680, that I bought a few years ago because of the cute cowgirl on it. A quick trip to the fabric store for the supplies we needed and I got started. Other than the first illustration being wrong, which then meant at step 7 or 8 I had to totally unpick the sleeves and start all over, it went together pretty easily. I cut it out on Monday and did all the sewing on Wednesday (ended up taking longer than it should have though due to the pattern error). I hadn't used bias tape for elastic casings yet and really like how easy that was, wouldn't mind doing that kind of a casing again. I used moleskin for the brown fabric and wasn't a fan of sewing with it. For future projects, I'll just use a regular brown cotton. I really like the little blue floral print fabric (cute small floral-aqua from Jo-Ann's), bought the last 2 yards, hope they get more in. They also didn't have enough of the loop fringe, so I only put it on the brown layer. Overall, I'm happy with how it turned out and looks, in the future I may just stick to a skirt with a simialr look to this dress' skirt and a white shirt if she wants to dress up for school again.