did this...

Thankful banner from RS craft night.
Terra cotta candy corn pots for teachers, friends & neighbors.
And of course, I LOVE to put vinyl words on my glass front door.
It all started with our big, yearly RS craft night that I always look forward to. One of the projects that night was framed magnet boards decorated with cute scrapbook paper. I came home and searched the internet for a smaller frame to make one for my mom. Of course, I came across so many great ideas for what to do with a framed magnet board, and this countdown featured on CreativeXpress was one of them. I got everything together, had my sister cut some things out with her cricut, tried several red paints, went back and forth on what paper to use and finally finished it up not too long before Christmas. I posted my crafty countdown on my blog and two years later after several requests, we made it at our RS craft night in Oct 2010. I must say, I was flattered that so many liked my idea enough to make it for their own homes (Colby doesn't really care for it, so it was nice to feel like it was "cool"). There were over 30 of them in two different sizes!! It ended up being A LOT of work. The frame I used was no longer available, so I had to come up with an alternative but similar idea. I ended up going with MDF squares (for cost & ease of cutting) with sheets of steel glued down. I hope everyone was able to finish and is happy with theirs. Things/I got a little crazy at the end and it became a bit consuming of my time. I never could have put everything together without the help of some awesome friends (& their hubbies).