Monday, February 4, 2013

Lab Work Sleepover Pants

During Christmas vacation, K* and I picked out some fabric at JoAnn's for her to sew S* some pajama pants.  On Saturday, January 19th, she got started by cutting out the pattern pieces and fabric.  We then spent a couple of hours taking our time sewing the pants before it was time to call it a day.  We used the sleepover pajama pants pattern from Oliver + S.  So this was not a "beginner" pair of pajama pants in that the bottom cuffs and waist band were out of a contrasting material.
Monday, January 21st, there was no school, so while S* was in their room playing we finished the pajama pants up and made a tee shirt to go with them.  Well, we didn't actually make a tee shirt, we found an orange one at target and stitched a rectangle of fabric to the front.  I think the fabric is called Lab Work and has fun lab and robotic things on it.  S* loves science. 

I'm pretty proud of K*. She really did the bulk of the work. She cut the pattern and fabric out herself. I would iron one pant leg to show her what to do and she'd do the other pant leg. She guided the fabric through the sewing machine 90% of the time. I helped with the peddle depending on what part she was sewing. I did do the top stitching on the orange contrast cuffs and to make the elastic casing for the waist. She worked hard and did her best and they turned out fantastic for a first real sewing project. And I think her brother felt pretty special that she made them for him

1 comment:

Jen S said...

so cute! wow she is so big! love these jammies!