Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Currently Reading: Jan 2013

I am currently reading these two books:

Between Shades if Gray is the first book I've read on an electronic device.  Kind of neat.  Only the iphone screen is a bit small.  Not sure I want to read all my books that way, but when I can't get it from the library as quickly as I'd like, it's a nice electronic option.

And, I have these two waiting on my nightstand:

I used to be really good about keeping up with updating my goodreads book lists, but not so much over the last year.  I forgot that it was nice to keep a list of books I may want to read and to look back at books I have read and really liked {or didn't like}.  And by seeing books my friends have read, are reading or want to read, it gives me ideas of what I might want to {or not want to} read in the future.  Since moving into our apartment over the summer, I haven't read many books.  Which is unusual for me, I'm a normally a bookworm.  I have been reading magazines and things online though.  Anyway, here's to hoping I get around to reading {and keeping track of} more books this year.

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